Rank 1MLN
Befriend her when you are rank 1

Henrietta creates recipes and fine preserves in her kitchen full of utensils and jars and four stoves. Her kitchen is the cneter of all kinds of cooking and baking activity in the Connecticut countryside. She enjoys making LEGO arts and crafts in her spare time.

"Hello! Welcome to my Kitchen of tasty jams, preserves and bread that will make your mouth water just thinking about them. Would you be so kind as to come back later? I'm expecting my friends, Bee Keeper Bill, Farmer John, and Flora for tea and I can't find that Crimson Apple I promised them. I'm sure they have some time to exchange at the moment. But I do look forward to trading some repice Blue Prints with you so do come back."

My page trades...
ITEMS Mason Jar Blueprint for 5 apples
Strawberry Jam Blueprint for 10 strawberries
LOOPS Piano 3 for 1 apple

My mail trades...
ITEMS Honey Pie blueprint for 1 Apple Pie
Apple Butter Blueprint for 1 Honey Pie
LOOPS Piano 1 for the loop message

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