Rank 3MLN
Befriend him when you finish Rank 1

Milmano runs a Lumber Mill on the Po River in Northern Italy. He's into football and enjoys cooking up plates of Honey Cake and Hotdogs and inviting friends over to watch games. He does have a temper when things are not going well.

"Hey, you guys know who that Wiseguy is what took my T-square? I got board feet to measure here! And I need honey for my Honey Cake. The Friends are coming over to watch the game tomorrow. I don't want to disappoint the little guy Bartlebee if I don't have Honey Cake or Flowers. Maybe you could lighten it up for him for me. Yeah, try doing that! Maybe Pel Tonne, or Milly P. Enstock would chime in too. Oh, and wait a second, come back and trade stuff with us once I get my lumber measured and moving again."

My page trades...
ITEMS 1 Milestone Blueprint for 10 Honey Pots
MODULES Factory Module, Rank 2 Blueprint for 8 Blue Bricks
LOOPS Electric Guitar 3 for 5 Red Bricks

My mail trades...
MODULES 1 Lumber Mill Module Blueprint for 1 T-Square
LOOPS Electric Guitar 2 for the loop message

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